We did meet with Fiona Baker and exchanged materials from the June survey. We had a casual dinner at the Ardencaple there in Rhu and caught up on progress and plans. Fiona was so kind as to invite us to her home for tea the following afternoon. This was a wonderful treat. We got to see some of her special artifacts and to peruse her library! We also did a bit more planning for the next phase of preservation works after tea and reviewed next steps for preparation of the June report.
We confirmed that completion of the June 2102 Survey is required for submission of the Historic Scotland Scheduled Monument Consent. Fiona has loaned the originals of the 1997 photographs, slides and video to us ... which we will digitize and incorporate in the electronic June update. Both Fiona and Tom Addyman, a standing building expert, will edit and update the significant archaeological content of the report.
We did manage to have a magical Hogmanay in Edinburgh (New Year's Eve) and an equally magical visit to the University of St. Andrew's on the 1st. A trip to the British Museum rounded out our visit. All-in-all it was a great trip!
We aim to get the next round of work started in March or April, although time and government permitting, things may get going even sooner than that. Until then, a very Happy New Year from Scotland!