I had tried to emphasize the work with the local team Fiona, David, Tom, Myles, Liam, Jake, etc. and of Katherine's central role in making all this happen. I also mentioned the other good work going on by others ... such as the recent almshouse dig on the mainland opposite Elanvow. Alison did ask some very good questions and, I think, sensed the "personal" importance of this work, so the article ultimately went in that direction. We are grateful to The Scotsman for the coverage and exposure. (Coincidentally, our April meeting was in the Lord Lyon's Chambers only 20 some yards away from The Scotsman's old headquarters... now a hotel.)
As part of the work on the HES report, we are trying to tighten up our references. We find that many of the references commonly cited are based on earlier original references ... and sometimes are misquoted. Thanks to the many of you who we have consulted for all the information you have provided! Note that we are trying to include references and links to searchable copies of the reference wherever possible. The "References, Maps & Myths" tab is the index to most of the research. The bulk of the research links are in the "What's In A Name?" tab ...where we research the historical names for the island. If you are aware of any 17th century or earlier references to the island, check our What's In a Name? tab, and please let us know of these.
Of particular interest are references for (i) the content of the 1225 Charter, (ii) images of the 1354 or 1395 charters or any that mention the island, (iii) any 17th century or earlier mention of the island's name (See What's In a Name?), (iv) any good references on the basis for the use of the name "Island of the Shop/Booth" and when that use started. Of course, we will compile all relevant references over time and all submissions are welcome.
The team is regrouping from various corners of the world to focus on completing the HES report for the second Scheduled Monument Consent. As noted, we have a very well done estimate and plan for repairs/stabilization from Simpson and Brown through Tom and Addyman Archaeology. The proposed work was summarized in prior posts and we plan to submit a Scheduled Monument Consent application for this work as soon as possible after completing the second report. This is more work than most people might imagine and we thank the team for all their contributions.
As a footnote, we had told the Scotsman that we wanted to stay out of any discussions/disputes on ownership or clan society tensions. In fact, we have offered return of donations in the past if we sensed that a donor may be putting conditions on the donation ... such as excluding others from participating ... that were not consistent with our goals. Our blog history still retains some of the past discussion on that topic. We want all to be able to participate in the efforts to preserve Elanvow and to focus on that preservation work for the benefit of all.
Thank you for your continued support!