The Team! David, Tom, Fiona, Liam and Derek (L-R).
David Connolly (EDM & Wordsworth Recital), Tom Addyman (Standing Buildings Expert), Fiona Baker (Team Lead & Survey Assistant), Liam Mackenzie (Tree Surgeon), Derek Triplett (Team comedian and Liam's assistant). [David may object to the first annotation on Derek and was quite entertaining in a Scots/British way.] Not shown: Myles Maydew from LLTTNP, who transported us and jumped in to help on all fronts, and me (taking the photo). Katherine was mired in Senior leadership duties ... including Homecoming week. Please see the Phase II and III Projects tabs for some photos.
Phase II is complete, pending the final report. Phase III needs one more day (trip) in April and time to complete the surveys, maps and reports. More to follow ...
This was a great team and the castle is in much, much better shape as a result of this very productive outing!